Kelly Graw

Managing Partner

Hi there! I’m Kelly Graw, and I’ve spent over 15 years immersed in the exciting world of automobiles. From the moment I stepped into a dealership, I knew this was where I belonged. Let me share a bit about my journey:

John Ostrom

Managing Partner

My passion for cars knows no bounds, embracing all brands, makes, and models. Over the years, I’ve witnessed the remarkable evolution in style, design, engineering, and performance, each era bringing its own unique charm and innovation.

Scott Hamilton

VP of National Sales, Eastern Canada and Digital Creation

I began my career in the car industry in 2010 in Ottawa, Ontario. After learning the ropes and settling into a groove I became a sales manager tasked with helping close deals, training staff and making sure customer expectations were met.

Geoff Anderson

Senior VP Public Relations and Logistics Process

Geoff Anderson, stays very much behind the scenes, but when there is a job to be done, the one hour man comes through. A Business owner for 10 years, Geoff brings a wealth of knowledge to the table and is proud to be a member of this group.